Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the Lord will be exalted on that day of judgment. For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has a day of reckoning.
Isaiah 2:11-12a
Have you ever done something you knew wasn't probably the best thing to do, but you did it anyway...because on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst, it was only a 1? At first, you have that twinge of conscience, but after a while, nothing really happens, so you think maybe it wasn't that bad...
It's kind of like when to floss your teeth. Well, I brushed good, I don't need to floss...or I didn't really eat anything that got stuck between my teeth...or I used a toothpick... And before you know it, the only time you floss is when you DO have something stuck between your teeth or on the day of your appointment with the dentist. But not flossing can lead to gum disease which can lead to illness, not to mention the loss of teeth. THEN try eating that corn on the cob that made you floss the last time you ate it.
The same thing happens in our Christian walk. We know we should study the Word, but we got home late, we're tired, we'll do it in the morning, or on our lunch break or as soon as we get home... and before you know it, Wednesday night rolls around and you're trying to remember where you put your Bible on Sunday when you came home from church... just like flossing, except the consequences are eternal.
You know, we go along in our lives, doing the same things over and over, until we no longer have that twinge of conscience... and that should be scary to us because there will be a day of reckoning, and it's closer now than it was yesterday.
Forgive our prideful ways, thinking we know enough to get along without Your daily guidance and intervention. Keep us ever mindful of You and all that You do in our lives. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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