3rd John 2 NKJV
We all want to prosper and be healthy. We work at it. It's why we have a job. We spend the time it takes to learn how to do it right. We research and study and then train and apply what we've learned so that we might be successful in what we do.
Ask yourself this. Is your soul prospering? Is it expanding in faith and love? Is it at peace? Is your soul satisfied in your relationship with the Lord? If not, why not? Do we work at it? Do we spend the time it takes to learn how to do it right? Do we search His Word and study and train and apply what we've learned in our lives? What is our priority? What is first? Just FYI - God does not do second place.
Answer this. If we prosper in all things and are in health based on how our soul prospers, are we struggling or solvent? Bankrupt or booming? Failing or flourishing?
Open our eyes to see the reality of our choices and where we place You as a priority. Forgive us for every time we don't make You our first priority. Help us to see every choice we make for selfishness and what we want instead of following Your Word and Your way. Give us clean hands and purify our hearts, Father. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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