Saturday, June 19, 2021

Great Relationships

 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?

Jeremiah 32:27 NKJV

What has God been talking to you about YOU doing? I know it's more than you think you can possibly accomplish...  In fact, it's overwhelming! News flash! God is not going to ask you to do something that you can do without Him.  And the Truth is, nothing is impossible with God.  As my pastor is so fond of saying - God is all about relationship.

Good relationships take time. Great relationships take time and a lot of hard work. Only we can decide if a great relationship is worth the effort... But I'll tell you, I don't know of anyone in a great relationship who will say, Oh, I'm tired of having a great relationship with so-and-so. I'll just cut our time down to once or twice a week. I'll just settle for less. We don't need to talk every day, do we?  That would be crazy, and we know it. A great relationship takes everything we've got to bring to it and then some... and it's worth it.

God's been talking to you about doing something that will take you working with Him to accomplish - the keyword there is working.  As David passionately proclaimed - we'll pay full price and not offer Him any sacrifice which cost us nothing. God has already given the best of everything He has for a relationship with us thus far - what have we given back? Are we engaged in this relationship or just sitting back saying, Gimme gimme... because we think what He asks is too hard?

Is there anything too hard for God?


         Forgive us for being focused on our finite fences in life, when in Truth, we are to be focused on You - and You are infinite. Open our eyes to see. Open our hearts to embrace Your will and purpose for us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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