Friday, October 25, 2019

It's on Us

A messenger soon arrived in Jerusalem to tell David, “All Israel has joined Absalom in a conspiracy against you!”
2nd Samuel 15:13 NLT

The book of 2nd Samuel relates many horrible tragedies involving David's children. This one of compounded betrayal is painful to even read... While David was a man after God's own heart, he was not a perfect man. And while he was forgiven, there were still consequences. 

I will not sit in judgment, but I will inspect the fruit. We can have a great relationship with the Lord, but if we don't teach our next generations... 

If we don't offer them a way out of the world's woes - and I don't mean buying them out of trouble - I mean to teach them that there is a sanctuary in a battle-weary existence, that there is forgiveness for repentance, that we CAN overcome life's worst, but only through Christ. Only through turning to God or turning back to Him. It's not enough that they know OF Him; they must KNOW Him. 

Set the example. Live for the Lord, and NEVER stop praying for them no matter how battle-weary we may be! In Isaiah 54, we're told all our children shall be taught by the Lord. It's on us to make sure they know who He is.


         Forgive us where we have failed. We pray that You will redeem us, our children, our loved ones. We pray that Your light so shines from within us that those You have given us are drawn to You. We pray more of You, Lord; less of me. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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