Saturday, June 8, 2019

Friends' Favorites - Seasoned

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT

What does it mean to be seasoned? If your first thought turns to food, I understand, but that's not where I was going with it. (smiling) Although, that is an illustration we can all relate to.

We understand that a seasoned soldier or a seasoned teacher is one who has been through the battles - been through lots of seasons - one who has learned how to survive through the change. The question is - how were they seasoned? Were they salted to perfection or over-salted? Was the blend of the multiple seasonings allowed to bring out the flavor of their lives or did they sit in them too long and become bitter?

Top chefs know the remedies for correcting mistakes made with seasonings. However, even they say some mistakes just have to be tossed and then they start over. Our good news is that even if our seasoned lives have become irreconcilable to life as we know it, God can and will fix it, if we ask Him. His Word tells us He makes all things new and God is trustworthy. We may have to soak in something for a season, but if we are following Christ, we will come out of it with a sweet savor. 


          Sometimes the seasons and seasonings of life seem overlong and overpowering, but we choose to trust You in all of it. We invite You into our lives to stir up our souls and make us into Your already planned process so that we can be properly-seasoned witnesses of Your faithfulness. Cause us to be an appealing sweet savor to reveal Your love to those around us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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