Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (that is, the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho.
Joshua 3:15-16 NIV
This crossing was different than when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea (Exodus 14). That time, Moses stretched out his hand and a strong east wind blew, parting the waters and blew all night, drying the ground. From their first step to the last step, they were on dry ground. I am in no way minimizing the step of faith it took to walk between two walls of water; I'm just highlighting that the parting had already taken place and the ground dried before they stepped in.
For this crossing, they were facing the full force of a river at flood stage. Have you ever seen one? As anyone who has ever lived near a river at flood stage will testify, the sheer volume and rushing power of the water can be terrifying. It is not something you would want to go near, let alone step into.
In our lives today, there are many parallels to this story. We might not be facing a literal flood, but many times, we face a flood of opposition. Trial and tribulations that are at flood stage. We pray and expect God to deliver us from them. We want Him to part that water and let us walk through on dry ground! However, His Word in Isaiah 43:2 promises us, When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Do we believe God?
Do we know Him well enough to step into the raging water when He bids us, "Come"? Can we hear His voice? Do we believe His Word? Can we take the step of faith into the flood stage river bank? Verse 17 tells us, The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stopped in the middle of the Jordan and stood on dry ground, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground. Will we, by faith, keep His covenant Word at the center of it all like the priests did, so that those in our care are able to go through, as well?
As the waters rise, let our faith also rise. Let us take the step of faith at Your bidding to go through. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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