Colossians 3:1-2 NLT
What do you hope for? What are your dreams? On what have you set your sights? Is it the new house - the new car? The raise or a new job? Getting the kids through school? Being healthy? Retirement?
If it's true that our direction determines our destiny, where are we striving to be? Are any of your hopes, dreams and goals set primarily with the idea of moving you further along on your way to Heaven? There is a reason I ask. I had fallen into the abyss of "If I can just get through this... If I can make it to that... or till then..." I'd lost sight of our true goal, and I'm wondering if maybe you had, too.
Paul warns us in Philippians 3:19-20, that those who think only about this life here on earth are headed for destruction. And then he reminds us that we are citizens of Heaven. I had to ask myself, "Am I as homesick for Heaven as I was for Texas when I was working in another state?" I hate to admit that I'd never thought of it in that way.
For me, I need to refocus. I must stop judging people's actions and pray for their salvation. I need to stop looking at the bad that's happening in the world and set my sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ our Saviour sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.
We do not want to be enemies of the Cross. Change my heart, O God, to think about the things of heaven, and not the things of earth. Forgive me for losing sight of the goal. Help me to remember that my real life is hidden with Christ in You. And when Christ is revealed to the whole world, we as Your children, will share in all His glory. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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