Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
Mark 13:31 NLT
I was on my way from a meeting this evening; the sun was behind me shining brightly into the mass of storm clouds ahead of me. I knew conditions were right for a rainbow...and I was not disappointed. I thanked God for it as I watched it appear, not only for its beauty, but for the covenant - for His Word that stands the test of time. And in that moment, the Holy Spirit pierced my heart with understanding and hope...
As I mentioned, the sun was fully shining behind me, but the storm clouds ahead were daunting. The kind you watch for signs of a tornado. I don't like those, and I had the fleeting thought, 'Why head for the storm when you could turn around and ride into the sunset?' and it was in that moment that the rainbow appeared and I felt peace.
You see, I've been riding the edge of a storm in my life. The winds have been howling, the thunderous clamor of life's circumstances overwhelming at times, and it feels like I'm headed straight into it with no hope to avert. I've been so concerned with trying to find a way to get around the storm that I'd completely lost sight of the ability to go through it with my God who has promised to never leave me, to never forsake me.
Storms come and go. Battles wax and wane, but the same God who proclaimed, Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away, also promised in Matthew 28:20, Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Storms and all.
Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your promises. Thank You for loving us beyond our comprehension, and thank You for being a God who is with us always. Strengthen our hearts, O God, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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