Monday, February 17, 2025


[Jesus speaking], “I can guarantee this truth: Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me."
Matthew 18:3-5 God's Word Translation

About a decade ago, there was a little girl at our church, named Shayla. Her mother was part of the Praise and Worship team. When the music started, Shayla would move toward the front of the church and worship with her whole heart (proof that children learn what they live). One day, our pastor's wife asked Shayla to go up to the lower part of the stage and get a handheld microphone. She ran to do her bidding, slipped, then slid into the corner, recovered, picked up the microphone, and ran back... and in those few seconds, she managed to deliver an illustrated sermon of God's expectation of us.

The pastor's wife asked Shayla to get the microphone, fully expecting that Shayla would, and of course, she did. Children rise to our expectations of them. Shayla ran to do her bidding, slipped, fell, and got back up to run back to her - mission accomplished.

And in that instant, I felt God speak to my heart, "Oh, that ALL My children would run to do what I ask them to do! And if they slip and fall, that they would get up and run back to Me!"

I was convicted to my toes! How often do we - as adults - stand and argue with God, debating with Him because we'd rather do things our own way or not at all?


O Father!
                Forgive us for all the times we do not hasten to do Your bidding! Break the rebellious spirit in us and deliver us into Your light. Father, may we be like children who RUN to do whatever You ask of us, no matter what! Create in us clean hands and a pure heart, we pray in Jesus' Name. Amen

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