Saturday, November 18, 2023

Listen Much, Obey More

If a person thinks he is religious, but does not keep his tongue from speaking bad things, he is fooling himself. His religion is worth nothing.
James 1:26 NLV (New Life Version)

I was going to expound on this a little, but the Truth is it's very clear. I love this passage in James - it's simple but so rich. Verses 19-27,  My Christian brothers, you know everyone should listen much and speak little. He should be slow to become angry. A man’s anger does not allow him to be right with God. Put out of your life all that is unclean and wrong. Receive with a gentle spirit the Word that was taught. It has the power to save your souls from the punishment of sin.

Obey the Word of God. If you hear only and do not act, you are only fooling yourself. Anyone who hears the Word of God and does not obey is like a man looking at his face in a mirror. After he sees himself and goes away, he forgets what he looks like. But the one who keeps looking into God’s perfect Law and does not forget it will do what it says and be happy as he does it. God’s Word makes men free.

If a person thinks he is religious, but does not keep his tongue from speaking bad things, he is fooling himself. His religion is worth nothing. Religion that is pure and good before God the Father is to help children who have no parents and to care for women whose husbands have died who have troubles. Pure religion is also to keep yourself clean from the sinful things of the world.


          Thank You for making it very clear about what is pure and good religion in Your eyes. Always, always keep our eyes open to discern the difference between pure religion and religious acts done for the sake of looking "good". Keep our hands clean and our hearts pure before You, Father, so we may stand in Your holy place, according to Your Word. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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