Monday, August 7, 2023

Whose Older?

The Scriptures tell us, “The first man, Adam, became a living person.” But the last Adam—that is, Christ—is a life-giving Spirit. What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later.
1 Corinthians 15:45-46 NLT

I heard a great teaching yesterday from my pastor's cousin. Obviously, there is an anointing in their family line to rightly divide the Word. I want to share the highlights with you. I believe you will be blessed by it. 

Throughout Scripture, there is the general instruction of the firstborn being the one to receive the major portion, the blessing, the inheritance from the father. And yet, when it comes to the patriarchs of faith, that is not the case. 

In Genesis, Isaac's wife, Rebekah was carrying twins when God said the elder shall serve the younger. And it was so. Esau served Jacob. But think about it. Isaac was the son of promise - yet he was the younger brother of Ishmael. 

Joseph's brothers served him. 
Later, when it came time for Jacob to bless Joseph's sons, Jacob crossed his hands and put the right hand of blessing on the younger one.

Moses was the youngest child, as was Gideon, and also King David. 

How does this help us? Read again verse 46 of today's Promise. What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later. The natural body came first - it's older. The spiritual body came later, it's the younger of the two. So no matter what your birth order - when we are saved - born again through Christ - we are no longer slaves to our sinful natures. We ARE a new creation. The older (physical) shall serve the younger (spiritual). Selah...


           Thank You for making the perfect provision to set us free from ourselves. Help us to remember and to fully grasp and live according to the exceedingly great and precious promises You have given to us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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