They will answer, “We will come back, because you are the Lord our God. On hilltops, we worshiped idols and made loud noises, but it was all for nothing— only you can save us."
Jeremiah 3:22b-23 CEV
I don't know if you've ever done this before... I'm talking about trying to convince God why He should let me have my own way in something He knows is not the best for my life. In reality, I know it, too, or I wouldn't try to rationalize it.
However, the Truth is that more than likely, we will do it anyway, and try to convince ourselves it's all good...until it's not. You see sometimes, it's as though God says, "Go ahead..." He knows we're going to anyway. It's not His will, but just like a child, before we get understanding, sometimes we have to incur the consequences.
Oh, and there will be consequences! Christ has already paid the price for us, but if we don't come back at His invitation, there WILL be hell to pay. Literally.
O that we would recognize the futility and the sheer stupidity of arguing with You over what is best for our lives. Just like Your Word says, our hearts are deceitfully wicked and will lead us astray. Apart from You we cannot know what is good and right and holy. Remove the blinders from our eyes, the hardness of our hearts and break our stubborn wills as we submit to Yours. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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