Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.
Micah 7:8 NLT
Everyone has dark days. Days of extreme stress. Days of abandonment. Days of verbal and emotional battery. Days of mockery and humiliation. Days of what may feel like a crucifixion. Days of pain. Days of death.
Jesus had one of those days.
And like most of us when we have one of those days, He finished His day in a dark place. A place of nightmares.
When most people go to a dark place they are confronted by demons and voices. An overwhelming trap of hatred, violence and dread. Depression, anger and emptiness. Jesus faced it, too... For Jesus, it wasn't just His demons, but all the demons in hell. Every single demon taunted and ridiculed Him with hideous slander and unthinkable perversion.
The darkest of dark places. But here is what the devil did not count on - what he never saw coming.
And like most of us when we have one of those days, He finished His day in a dark place. A place of nightmares.
When most people go to a dark place they are confronted by demons and voices. An overwhelming trap of hatred, violence and dread. Depression, anger and emptiness. Jesus faced it, too... For Jesus, it wasn't just His demons, but all the demons in hell. Every single demon taunted and ridiculed Him with hideous slander and unthinkable perversion.
The darkest of dark places. But here is what the devil did not count on - what he never saw coming.
He thought the darkness won. It did not. And it never will.
Darkness struck. But Light struck back.
John 1:5 tells us, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
Never.Extinguish.The Light.
Jesus overcame darkness.
So can we.
Darkness struck. But Light struck back.
John 1:5 tells us, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
Never.Extinguish.The Light.
Jesus overcame darkness.
So can we.
In the dark seasons of my life, shine Your light. When I am doubting, remind me of who You are. When I am weary, bring me peace. When I am restless, may I find my rest in You. You are the victory-- hallelujah! Amen
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