Saturday, October 3, 2020

Making Good Soil

But the seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word, embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams.
Mark 4:20 The Message

Have you thought about a Fall garden? Here in Texas, the weather is perfect for it, but how's the soil?
Everyone knows it takes good soil to produce a good harvest. What if you don't have good soil? Do you just forget about it and give up hope for ever having a "harvest beyond their wildest dreams"? Never! Never give up! There IS a way to prepare the soil. Add lots of organic matter - compost, fertilizer, etc. It will stink to high heaven at first, but when it reaches its fullness, according to, the finished product is "dark, rich, crumbly, and sweet-smelling." And that type of rich soil will produce!

Obviously in our text for today, Jesus was teaching in story form, likening us to the different kinds of soils to receive God's Word (the seed). So, what if WE don't have good soil? What if we're lacking what it takes to produce a great harvest? What can we do? Add lots of organic matter. 

Organic matter consists of things that were once alive, but are now dead. Stuff that is no longer useful to us until the heat of the compost pile turns it into something used for good. Breaking it down to practical application. We are to be dead to sin: anger, hatred, lust, gossip, lies, etc. Whatever you struggle with - throw it on the pile. Add to that the occasional "fertilizer" of life's circumstances - throw it on the pile. When we give it to God - whatever it may be - according to Philippians 4:18, it comes before Him as "a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God."

Turn it over to God and let the fire of the Holy Spirit cook all the garbage out of it and make it useful to prepare the soil of our hearts to receive God's Word and produce a harvest beyond our wildest dreams.


          We welcome the work of Your Holy Spirit in our lives. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit cook all the garbage out of it and make it useful to prepare the soil of our hearts to receive Your Word so we can produce a harvest of souls for Your kingdom. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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