Friday, July 31, 2020

No Charge

He fell to his knees, shouting, “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!” And with that, he died.
Acts 7:60 NLT

Stephen was one of the original seven deacons chosen to take care of the 1st Century church. Almost every Scripture translation defines him as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5) who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, performed amazing miracles and signs among the people. A Godly man. A righteous man who lived his life above reproach.

However, one day, he got into a debate with some men and because they could not stand up against his wisdom and knowledge, they conspired with others to lie about Stephen and charge him with blasphemy. Liars all and yet it was their voices that were heard and believed, in spite of the Truth spoken by Stephen.

How many of us would have been angry at the lies? Filled with disbelief that his accusers actually won their court case through deceitfulness? How many of us would be angry at God because we had been doing His work and been falsely accused, but were charged as though we were guilty?

How many of us, in the middle of being stoned to death, would have cried out as our last words, “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!”?

I'll just tell you straight up that I would want to be exonerated. I would want to know what good this could possibly serve. In my mind, if there is great suffering, it should be the cost for some greater good that will come of it. But the Truth of the matter is, we don't always see it or live long enough to know about it. It's not our right to know everything. The hard truth is, it's not our business. We are not God. Our business is to be about HIS business, in spite of what anyone else thinks or does and despite the consequences. And His business is forgiveness in perfect love.


            We want to be full of faith and the Holy Spirit. We want to be like Jesus and like Stephen. We want to walk in such love that we cry, "No charge!" when someone sins against us, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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