Sunday, June 28, 2020

Everyday Relationships

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 NKJV

We were discussing relationships today and how they change and grow or diminish with the passage of time and the dedication of those in the relationship.  For instance, couples that have been married for a long time may start to settle in, get comfortable, and even take one another for granted. They go for years without adding anything new to the relationship or taking the time to really listen to what the other one may want or has to say. To keep a healthy relationship, each must offer their whole self and daily be intentional about contributing to the life and health of it.

Sadly, it happens in our Christian walk, too. We may get settled in, get comfortable, and then begin to take for granted all the blessings and benefits of walking with the Lord. We think God will just know we love Him after this much time has gone by and we don't need to tell Him. It doesn't work like that!

Jesus gave everything He had in order for us to have a right relationship with God. Psalm 68:19 tells us God daily loads us with benefits. He brings something to our relationship every day. He stands ready to lead and guide us, to walk with us, and to guard our hearts EVERY day. To speak words of wisdom, light, life, and love to our hearts daily. So, how IS our relationship with the Lord? If it's cooled off or less warm and passionate, I would say let's check ourselves. God hasn't moved from us. Jesus' love is the same yesterday, today, and forever... He brings it to us every day. What are we bringing to Him on a daily basis?

          Awaken our hearts to hear Yours. Open our ears to hear what You would say to us. Open our eyes to see Your fingerprints on everything in our lives. Oh, that we would daily worship You in Spirit and in Truth with all that we are for all that You are. Guide us, Holy Spirit. Help us, O Lord. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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