Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Not Willing (or Saving a Boatload of People)

The sailors were awestruck by the Lord’s great power, and they offered him a sacrifice and vowed to serve him.
Jonah 1:16 NLT

Somehow, I have overlooked the significance of this one verse every time I've read this story of Jonah. 

Most of us know about the story of Jonah. Have you ever wondered why a prophet of God could be so ticked off about being asked to go somewhere and proclaim God's message? How a prophet could be angry with God about the thought of repentance and salvation for an entire city? After all, isn't that his life's work? But Jonah was not willing.

However, before we become so quick to judge, think of the political blitzkrieg around us today. Let us think of the self-proclaimed cognoscenti we would most like to see silenced if we could make that happen. What would happen if God asked us to go witness to them? Would we be willing or would we wish them a special place in hell as we head in the opposite direction? 

And let's also witness the extraordinary love of God in action! We know He especially prepared a large fish to accommodate and assist Jonah onto the road of repentance in his rebellion against God. And in the process of creating the storm, caused a boatload of sailors to first fear Him and then to turn from their gods, and offer a sacrifice to our God while vowing to serve only Him... (even though at first they were not willing to throw Jonah overboard).

There was a lot of Not Willing going on, but the most important one is that God is not willing that ANY should perish, according to 2nd Peter 3:9, but that all should come to repentance. Even a boatload of sailors who were initially helping the rebellious prophet to escape.


          Thank You that You cause all things to work together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose for our lives. Give us the wisdom, power, and strength to see and to do what You have ordained for us to accomplish. Give us willing hearts. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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