The Lord said to Moses, “Write this reminder on a scroll, and make sure that Joshua hears it, too: I will completely erase any memory of the Amalekites from the earth.”
Exodus 17:14 God's Word Translation
This particular battle (where Joshua defeated the Amalekites while Moses was on the mountain with Aaron and Hur holding up his hands) took place about 1446 BC; 40 years before the death of Moses and the subsequent transition to Joshua's leadership. There was no mention of Joshua being the next in line to inherit Moses' position with the Israelites; there was no defined rite of passage.
One particular phrase of this verse leapt out at me this morning. I remembered the part about writing it down and erasing any memory of the Amalekites, but I didn't remember the part about making sure that Joshua would hear it, too. I researched in several translations and it was in all of them - to be certain, to tell it in the ear, to rehearse it, to make sure Joshua heard it, too.
Moses may not have known, Joshua may not have had any inkling, but God's plan was already set in motion. He knew the faithfulness of Joshua. His level of obedience to the letter. Joshua's passion to believe and act on whatever He said without question. Forty years beforehand - 40 years being the symbolism of a time of trial and testing, a type of probationary period. However, Joshua did not know it was a probationary period. It was Joshua's daily choices that allowed him to fulfill God's purpose in and for his life. Joshua CHOSE a lifestyle of faithfulness, obedience and faith.
What is God saying to us in our seemingly insignificant (to us) times that have great bearing on our eternal purpose? Know this - God does not waste words. There is absolutely NOTHING insignificant when it comes to God's plan. Are we listening? We better make sure we hear - and obey!
We love Your Word. Remove from our lives the people, places and things that distract us and detract from Your plan and purpose for us. We want to be faithful and obedient like Joshua. We want to fulfill our purpose for You. Help us, O God! In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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