Saturday, January 3, 2015

* After Its' Own Kind

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!
Genesis 1:31 NLT

How many of us have heard our mothers say (in reference to our having children), "I don't wish you any harm, just one exactly like yourself!" For some of us, that could be a very scary thought and experience!

I've been reading in Genesis, about everything God did when He began Creation. Specifically, how He created everything to produce after its own kind. Plants, birds, wildlife, people. I see this more and more clearly with my youngest grandchild. There are days she is SO my son and other days when I see my daughter-in-love's face or actions. It's then I'm reminded most of this portion of Scripture.  

What if there was someone terrible in our ancestral lineage? What if the story is full of spiritual blight? Does this mean we're destined to have that bad seed sown and harvested in our life? No, and I'll tell you why. In Genesis, God decided to make man in HIS own image and breathed HIS breath of Life into us - everything to produce after its own kind... Think about that for a moment.

Then think about this. When people look at us, do they see our Father? Do we act just like Him? Are we producing after His kind?


         Thank You for the Breath of Life and Your mercy and Grace. Thank You for making us in Your image and likeness. Be reproduced in us so strongly, Father, that people would see You in us no matter what! Help us to keep sowing the best seeds of You for You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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