Jesus knew immediately what they were thinking, so he
asked them, “Why do you question this in your hearts? Is it easier to
say to the paralyzed man ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up, pick up your
mat, and walk’? So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the
authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed
man and said, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!”
And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out
through the stunned onlookers.
Mark 2:8-12a NLT
I am always amazed at the heart of Jesus - moved with such great compassion that Scripture tells us He healed all their sicknesses and disease. But in most of those instances of one-on-one healing miracles, forgiveness was His number one priority, THEN He healed them. Think about it. Which is the greater miracle?
When people are sick - Christian or not - they want to be made well. When someone is seriously sick, it is an opportunity to minister to the whole person - body, soul and spirit. Jesus knew it. He did it. And we are to follow His example. Ask them if they want you to pray for them. If they say yes, then ask if they want to pray now. Some will say no, but most will say yes.
First things first. Don't preach at them. Pray WITH them. Plant the seed. Someone else will water. God will give the increase.
Thank You that we can come to You and ask for healing. We know Jesus made provision for our healing when He was beaten before He was crucified. And we know that He was crucified to pay for our sins so that we could be forgiven. Father, we ask You to do both. Forgive us for our sins against You and heal all our diseases. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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