Thursday, April 18, 2013

* Common Sense vs Uncommon Faith

So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said.
Acts 27:25 NLT

Paul was on a ship at sea, as a prisoner, in the middle of a storm with typhoon-strength winds. He had already warned the officers and crew once not to put out to sea, but they didn't listen. After all, both the owner and the captain saw it differently than Paul the prisoner. They were learned in the way of ships and seas. They were sailing men, (but not followers of Christ). Everything they knew - common sense dictated their course of action. What would you have done? Who would you have listened to?

Sometimes life, as we know it, is the same scenario. Common sense deciding our course of action, but uncommon faith diametrically opposed to that which is understood. Not only is it not common sense, it makes absolutely no sense! Why didn't Paul just speak to the wind to be still the way Christ did? Why didn't God just stop the storm? I don't know the answer to those questions, any more than I know why sometimes bad things happen to good people. 

What I DO know is God DOES have a plan. And while it may not make any sense at all to us, it does to God. And if we trust Him in it - if we take courage and believe God that it will be just as He said - we will have peace of mind and heart. Can we believe Him in the middle of our storm when the wind is raging and the seas are crashing and we're shipwrecked on the rocks? Common sense would tell us there's no way. We're gonna die. Uncommon faith declares, "...take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said."


         We may not always understand the whys and the wherefores, but we can know that Your Word is true. Your love is true and real. Your provision uncommon. Help us to always see - and believe - You.  Father, we want uncommon faith. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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