Luke 21:29-36 The Message
I want to ask you something. Let's say you meet someone for the first time while you are with some dear friends - people you've known. You have a history with them. Then you all get into a weighty conversation. The new acquaintance has a differing viewpoint than several of the people with whom you have a relationship. With whose viewpoint are you more likely to agree? Nine times out of ten, you are going to give more weight to the words of your friends - those you know. The ones you've spent time with. You don't really know the full weight or value behind the words of the acquaintance because you don't know his or her life. You have no idea whether or not he or she is trustworthy. There is no relationship.
Let's take it one step further. We all have what I call Fringe Friends. They're the ones you share a few laughs with, maybe grab a coffee together or perhaps take in a show. You like them okay. Push come to shove, you'd probably stand up for them, but the friendship is decidedly one-sided. The only time you hear from them is when they want or need your time or something. Then there are those who not only know your middle name, but they also know your kids and/or your siblings, your work history, and all your annoying personality traits. They're the ones defined by the statement "He or she knows everything about me but likes me anyway." They know your good times and bad. They don't use you or abuse you. If you got a phone call from a friend in both of these categories - both with the same need, which one would you more likely respond to?
A friend sent me the following anecdote:
The pastor asked the little boy if he said his prayers every night. 'Yes, sir,' the boy replied.'And, do you always say them in the morning, too?' the pastor asked.As humorous as this story is, the spirit of it is too often true in real life. And that's not a laughing matter. Our text today tells us we need to pray constantly because tough times are coming and prayer is the key.
'No sir,' the boy replied. 'I ain't scared in the daytime.'
How is our relationship with God? How often do we spend time with Him? Do you think there is Truth in what He has to say? Do we only talk to Him when we need something? Do His words carry any weight in our lives? Do we know Him well enough to trust His Words?
Thank You for loving us enough to want to have a relationship with us and for doing everything necessary to make that possible. Thank You for taking the extra time to make sure we can find our way to You whenever we are in need. We pray that we will have the strength and wits to make it through everything that's coming and end up on our feet before You. Speak to us, Father, Your Word carries all the weight in any conversation. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
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