Genesis 15:4-6 NOG (Names of God Bible)
This is very often the Scripture reference mentioned when referring to God's promise of descendants to Abram, but it's not the first time God declared it.
Look at Genesis 12:7 NIV, "The Lord appeared to Abram and said, 'To your offspring I will give this land.' So he [Abram] built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him." By building the altar to worship, Abram acknowledged the Lord, but there is no evidence of believing Him.
Flip over to Genesis 13:14-17. Here God tells Abram again. "After Lot left, Yahweh said to Abram, “Look north, south, east, and west of where you are. I will give all the land you see to you and to your descendants for an indefinite period of time. I will also give you as many descendants as the dust of the earth. If anyone could count the dust of the earth, then he could also count your descendants. Go! Walk back and forth across the entire land because I will give it to you.”
This is the SECOND declaration of descendants for Abram and in the next verse, Abram built another altar to worship Yahweh the LORD. Again, he acknowledged the Lord, but there is no evidence of believing Him.
How do we know that? Abram speaks to God in Chapter 15:2-3 NOG, Abram asked, “Adonay Yahweh, what will you give me? Since I’m going to die without children, Eliezer of Damascus will inherit my household. You have given me no children, so this member of my household will be my heir.”
Verse 4 - "Suddenly, Yahweh spoke his word to Abram again. He said, “This man will not be your heir. Your own son will be your heir.”
FYI - The only other English translations that include the word "again" are the Good News Translation and the ISV - International Standard Version. Perhaps people think Chapter 15 is the first mention because verse 6 states, "Then Abram believed Yahweh, and that faith was regarded as the basis of Abram’s approval by Yahweh."
I think acknowledging God is not the same as believing God. I think Abram acknowledged God's Word regarding his future descendants because he built an altar unto the LORD BOTH times, but it wasn't until Chapter 15:6 that Abram believed...
How often do we do that? Are we acknowledging what He says or do we believe?
Forgive us for the times You speak to us and we don't act on Your Word. We know You don't speak just to hear Yourself talk. Your Words are Light and Life to us. Open our ears, our eyes and our hearts to hear You, see You and fully believe what You say to us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen